Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Aaahh...The Power of a Great Manicure...

Can be summed up in three words. Natural Body Spa. I had the privilege of going (again!) for yet another one of their services thanks totally to my beloved's generous Christmas gift. (XOXO--love you, Schmoop!)  This time I opted to try out their "Signature Manicure."

Let me first start with what I love about this place.  You walk in the door and they greet you by name.  Makes you feel like someone really gets it. They know what you're there for and best of all, they give you time to take a breath and decompress before you meet your therapist.  It's great because I'm a stickler about time.  Time is precious when you have a small window of sanity before your life returns to the bus stop and has to be be picked up from preschool!  I know a lot of spa places do this with their clients, but here you never feel rushed or held to a tight schedule.
Next, I was thrilled to see Paula again for my manicure.  I had probably one of the best pedicures ever with her last week.  I love her because she really makes me feel pampered (you too, Sharmaine!).  She took my coat, hung up my purse, showed me where to sit and asked if I needed anything before she got started.  She was great at educating me about various pressure points in the hands that when massaged, help alleviate stomach aches, headaches, and back aches, all of which I had when I walked in the door. My youngest has been complaining about his stomach hurting, so I'm looking forward to trying it out on his hands the next time he complains.

Finally, my tired, overwashed, oversanitized, mommy hands actually look alive again.  No more broken, split nails.  Just pink, healthy, rejuvenated, happy hands.  They look like they are attached to a 'living' body and not, well, you know.  If you live in the Atlanta area or are just passing through on business (Lauren!) you owe it to yourself to be pampered by the professionsals at Natural Body Spa

PS:  I was not paid to write this opinion or sponsor this company.  Just happy to spread a little love for the people and services I enjoy.

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