Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dreamin' of Summer -- Palm Trees Never Tasted This Good!

If you think coconuts are the tasty treats that take you to far away islands drenched in sun-filled delights, think again!

This tasty palm tree will have you basking in the sun and surf with just one bite.

If I can make this, so can you!!

You will need 1 banana, 3 small kiwis and 1 tangerine. That's it!
  1. Start with the banana. Cut into 1/2" slices and place in the middle of a plate.  This will become the trunk.
  2. Peel and separate the tangerine into segments and arrange at the base of the banana trunk. Imagine coral colored sand sprinkled with peachy, beige sea shells...aaahhhh.
  3. Slice peeled kiwis into wedges. Arrange at the top of the banana to form the palm fronds.

You are now headed to the sunny, island location of your choice. Enjoy!!

Here are my two food junkies enjoying their island adventure this morning!
Pirate Christopher! Arrrggh!!

Nathaniel says yum!!!

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